The Brigade Read online

Page 12

  “I’m on it,” said Washburn. “The Warrenton Coast Guard station is a different matter. They’re full-time military, but not combat. They’re mostly a lifesaving, air-sea rescue and medevac unit for the Columbia River bar area, the Graveyard of the Pacific. The staffing there is officially classified, of course, but it seems to be about 150 permanent party, plus whatever transients they have, the crews of cutters and aircraft, trainees and guys on temporary duty, and so on. Most of the actual lifeboat and rescue service is based north of the river on the Washington coast, so technically speaking that’s not our bailiwick, but the copters and medical staff are out there in Warrenton. The station has an armory, of course, which I am sure has all kinds of goodies that we would like to get our hands on, but let’s face it, with our current half-dozen rookie terrorists, I think an attack there is a bit out of our league for the moment. Besides medics most of the complement there are techs of various kinds, clerical and admin, supply, etc. There’s a small Shore Patrol contingent of about twelve MPs, mostly traffic guards. I don’t think they’ll give us that much trouble, since counterinsurgency is not their function, but my guess is that’s where the fed opposition will set up their intelligence headquarters, behind the fence and barbed wire, and with all that satellite and electronic stuff they’ve got in there. There’s a helipad and they can get Navy Seals or whoever they want in there any time. If and when we ever get any heavy weapons like mortars or rockets we can drop them a few love notes, of course. Say, didn’t the Palestinians raise all kinds of hell over there with home-made rockets?”

  “Russian Katyushas are better, if we can ever get any,” said Hatfield. “Mortars would be even better yet. I was cross-trained on them in the U.S. Army. But you’re right, that’s a long way down the road. FBI, BATFE?”

  “None nearer than Portland at the moment. I assume our comrades in the city will be stalking them. That will keep them occupied. All this may change when we get things hopping down along the North Shore, though. I haven’t conferred with any of my fellow intelligence-type dudes, of course, since I don’t know any of them yet, but it seems to me from what I see on the tube and read in the papers that they haven’t yet come up with any concerted or coherent plan on how to deal with us. They’re still treating each NVA attack as a crime scene, going over it and dusting it for prints and all that, and since our guys are booby-trapping wherever they can, they’re tiptoeing up like mice trying to steal some cheese. They’re treating an armed insurrection against the state like it was a liquor store heist. Do these guys have shit for brains or what?”

  “It won’t last,” said Hatfield grimly. “What little is left of the Constitution will go right out the window and the iron heel is going to come down hard, and soon. Okay, now, my favorite and most anticipated part of the evening. What about our local lefties and anti-fascist scum?”

  Washburn grinned and pulled out a list. “That was easy, thanks to the public library and a stroll through our four or five lefty bookstores and coffee bars in Astoria. These 55 names are just about everybody in our three counties who has ever written an anti-racist letter to the editor, organized some left-wing demonstration or event, run some lefty activism group, or worked for the Hillary Clinton campaign.”

  “Surely there’s more than that?” asked Ekstrom. “In Astoria alone there’s some liberal airhead under every rock.”

  “I removed overlaps from the other lists,” said Washburn. He pulled out a second paper. “This one is bugger boys and dykes, 112 names. I won’t say that’s all of them, but damned near. And finally,” out came a third list, “119 Jews. May I make a suggestion? We don’t burn these lists. We should find some way to blow them up poster-sized, and then when we’ve popped a couple of Reds or sodomites or hebes, we start posting them around town in the dead of night with the appropriate names crossed off. Psychological warfare.”

  “Bet you by the time we’ve killed half a dozen of them, the rest will scatter like quail,” said Ekstrom.

  There was the sound of a car pulling up outside and headlights gleamed through cracks in the corrugated steel walls of the warehouse. Zack drew his 10-mm Browning High Power from the holster at his back and clicked the safety off. “Let’s hope that’s the brigade adjutant,” he said. “Otherwise this may turn out to be a short revolution.”

  The newcomer was Larry Donner, alone, a brisk sandy-haired man of about 30 who was wearing a neat suit and tie beneath his overcoat. He shook hands with all three of the men with a bright smile; they all noticed the butt of an automatic in an interior clip holster in his belt, inside his suit jacket. “Good to see you again, Mr. White.”

  “Spiffy disguise,” said Hatfield. “You look real yuppie.”

  “It’s not a disguise,” said Donner. “I’m an insurance salesman, which gives me reason for driving all over Oregon and Washington in a late-model car and being pretty much anywhere at any time. I actually spend about half my time writing policies and half on Army business. I’m trying to convince my boss at the company that we now need to offer our customers domestic terrorism insurance.”

  “This is Dave Black, our quartermaster, and Don Green, our XO,” said Hatfield, introducing the other two. Washburn poured a Styrofoam cup full of coffee for the newcomer.

  “Cream or sugar?” he asked.

  “Two real sugars if you’ve got,” replied the adjutant. “You’ll find you end up living on sugar and caffeine in this line of work, and I don’t mean insurance.” They sat down in the little office. “All right, Lieutenant White, what have you got for me?” The D Company Trouble Trio spent the next half hour going over everything they had just finished discussing among themselves. Maybe it was his salesman persona, but they found themselves trusting Donner without question. It occurred to all three of them that he must sell a lot of insurance. “I have to say, I’m impressed,” said Donner when they had finished. “You boys have done a lot in a very short time. Okay, once you nail down these potential recruits and get them instructed as Volunteers, trained and ready to go, we need to start looking at your first active service operations in this area.”

  “We’ve got some ideas on that,” said Hatfield.

  “Good, we’ll talk about them in a bit,” said Donner. “But first I need to go over the Army Council’s policy on target selection with you. I’m sure Red and Tommy have already mentioned to you that we don’t just want to run around slaughtering everybody with a dark face, the spiel about remembering the essential political objective we’re all striving for, so forth and so on.”

  “Several times,” said Hatfield. “We got it.”

  “Okay. That said, a lot of your work will still be gofers, GO-4s, General Order Four enforcement. It may look to outsiders like we’re just gunning down non-whites at random, but actually the whole issue of target selection is very complex. The selection of targets will primarily be the duty of the company commander, with the assistance of the XO in his intelligence gathering capacity, but anyone can propose an enemy target for the CO’s consideration. Every target that we destroy, human or material, needs to have some kind of clear and visible value to the Zionist occupation government. The public needs to be able to see and understand why we shot so and so or blew up or burned down such and such a place. Once the target is proposed, the XO does a feasibility study, including surveillance of the target, looking over the ground, etc. Ideally you should never stage any attack without having scouted the terrain first, with the exception of floats, which we’ll get into in a bit. If the XO reports that an attack is feasible with minimum risk to the Volunteers, or at least an acceptable degree of risk in proportion to the importance of the target, then the CO organizes and carries out the tickle.”

  “Tickle?” asked Washburn.

  “It’s kind of a slang term the Boys seem to have come up with for an attack on ZOG,” explained Donner. “No idea how it got started, but it’s already entered the Volunteer vocabulary. Now, before any NVA unit goes OR they need to have a list of targets in their o
perational area. I see you’ve already got your lists drawn up, and I have to say I like that idea of yours about circulating or posting them publicly with the names of the dead crossed out. That’s good thinking and good psychological warfare, and it will accomplish the objective of removing these people from your operational area as efficiently as actually killing them would. The NVA tactical philosophy is that the minute hostilities commence in any operational area, we need to start hitting those targets, not sit there admiring our lists for the neat typing. The NVA must always hit, hit, hit! We must keep the feds off balance, never knowing when and where we will strike next, but knowing it will be damned soon. Right now they’re still trying to maintain business as usual, trying to pretend that we’re just ordinary criminals. They’re doing full CSI workups, forensics, and legal documentation on each incident. We must present them with so many incidents that their ordinary procedures of criminal investigation and apprehension will be stretched to the breaking point and then snap under the strain, thus forcing them to fall back on brute force and institutionalized terrorism. Remember, normal law enforcement in America is already so swamped with ordinary crime, drug-related messes and the thousand-and-one problems that come from massive numbers of Third World people living in a Western society, that in many areas the system can barely function as things are. We need to tip the system over the edge. We have to hit them so hard and often that they can’t keep up, so that all they can do is just follow along behind us and keep on picking up the dead bodies we leave for them.”

  “Sounds good to me,” growled Hatfield.

  “But still, there are some guidelines. Some very important guidelines,” warned Donner. “First and foremost, no kids! Red and yellow, black and white, they ain’t all precious in His sight by a damned long shot. Nonetheless, never ever deliberately hit a child, and bend over effing backwards to avoid harming a child accidentally. That’s a child of any color.”

  “Even Jews?” asked Hatfield.

  “Regrettably, yes. Killing kids is the worst possible image we can have in the public mind, and it’s one of the things that might tip the psychological balance and lose us the war,” said Donner firmly.

  “Define child, in non-white terms,” requested Washburn.

  “Pre-pubescent. Young enough to still be cute,” Donner told him.

  “Baby rattlesnakes grow up to be big rattlesnakes,” said Ekstrom. “Those two nigger crackheads who . . . who did something to a member of my family, they were cute little picaninnies once.”

  “You know that and I know that, QM,” said Donner. “The overwhelming majority of these pale-skinned morons gawping at Fox News won’t be able to wrap their minds around it, and we need to convert those people or at least neutralize them, not write them off and alienate them. They may be useless themselves, they may not be our nation’s future, but their gene pool is. Non-whites generally start posing a threat to the white community at about age 13 or 14, when they join their first gang, puff their first crack pipe, and start committing their first thefts. If they’re old enough to have a shitty little moustache or visible tits, they’re old enough to do harm to white people and they’re fair game, although personally I’d say play it safe by concentrating on adults. One obvious exception would be blacks or Mexicans in high school that can’t seem to lay off chasing white girls. We need to get the word out: that shit comes to a screeching halt, now! But younger than that, lay off. You remember 1963, when the Klan blew up a nigger church in Birmingham that was being used as a political headquarters and operations center by the NAACP and the Jews who ran the so-called civil rights movement? And those four little black girls happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time? The liberals still play the sad violins over that one, and that episode became part of the image that destroyed the Klan as an effective force in the South and maybe gave this whole vile system another three generations of life. We have to make sure we don’t have any Birmingham churches in the Northwest.”

  “Mmmm, Larry, what about bombs?” asked Hatfield. “I recall that the one thing that probably screwed the pooch for the Provisional IRA more than anything else was their seeming inability to pop the top in Belfast without blowing up some poor mother and baby in a stroller passing by.”

  “Yeah, and those dumb Paddies would also do crap like shooting a man down in front of his children, shooting teachers in front of a class full of kiddies, so forth and so on,” said Donner in disgust. “What the hell were they thinking? I admit, one of our big nightmares is that some white child is going to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and get killed by one of our detonations. I think we can all imagine the Roman holiday that the media will make out of something like that. This is one reason why each brigade is going to have a trained and experienced explosives officer with a military or engineering background, and a special EOD unit. You’ll eventually have your own EOD team, Zack, and while you will still be in command of target selection and operations, you will have to liaise really close with your explosives officer and let him and his crew handle all the details. Bombing is a whole field of paramilitary expertise on its own.

  “The trouble is that in something like this, what they euphemistically term collateral damage is damned near inevitable,” Donner continued with a sigh. “The United States has proven in Iraq and Iran and everywhere else that they don’t really give a damn. The white people they accidentally kill will disappear. Any witnesses will be silenced, their families will be bought off, and the media will make those incidents drop off the radar like they did in Iraq. The United States can afford collateral damage, but we can’t. People will admire and eventually support men whom they view as gutsy rebels standing up for the underdogs against a corrupt tyranny. They will not admire or support a bunch of maniacs who run around killing kids. Guys, we’re developing a separate propaganda section that among other things is making contingency plans for the various kinds of accidents that might happen in the fog of war, but baby-killing is the one thing we can’t explain away or gloss over. For Christ’s sake, don’t give us a Birmingham! Keep your heads, plan your jobs, and don’t do anything that’s going to put a child at risk.”

  “Got it,” said Hatfield.

  “Okay, second no-no in target selection,” Donner went on. “Christian ministers, priests, and for the moment, church buildings themselves. This one may change later, depending on how serious a threat the evangelicals and others become to us. For over a generation since the first neocons, evangelicals have shown they can be a powerful political force, since they’re the only ones who still support this insane endless war for oil and Israel. It was their bought-and-paid-for preachers who deftly and subtly switched their flocks’ attention away from abortion and buggery and into the great holy Ninth Crusade against Islam. Those men are the world’s worst assholes, and you’re going to want to bust a cap on them bad, but for now, go a bit easy. Again, we have to bear in mind the low level of political sophistication and awareness of the average white Amurrican. We don’t want to give people the impression that we are making war on Christianity itself, as much as some of our comrades of other persuasions might want to do so.”

  “Look, you know damned well that every middle-class minister and every tub-thumping Holy Roller hoot-and-holler preacher in three counties is going to be bellowing against us from the pulpit and on every Christian radio station,” protested Hatfield. “Hell, they already are! I was listening to Radio Salvation out of Longview today and some yammerhead was calling us the devil’s disciples. What about General Order Seven, which prohibits incitement against the Republic or its armed forces and public expressions of sympathy and support for the enemy?”

  “When some preacher is getting really out of line, then you pay him a visit and give him a very thorough, painful, and damaging beating,” said Donner. “The sight of one of their brethren sitting in a wheelchair in bandages and eating through a tube will convey the message to the rest of them. That’s already happened in Idaho and some other places, and
the units there report that it really results in an attitude adjustment on the part of the clergy. The Boys in Coeur d’Alene have already forced one Christian cable channel to shut down, and they didn’t kill anyone to do it. Sometimes the baseball bat speaks louder than the gun. Now, if you’ve got a really egregious case, where a preacher is involved in active informing or something like that, something we just can’t let pass, then make your case to Brigade and get an okay before hitting him. You have to remember that for a lot of poor white people, church is still an important part of their lives and we don’t want them to get the idea we’re devil-worshippers who are going to sacrifice their kids to Moloch or any such happy horse shit. Remember, we have to get the silent support of a majority of the white population here at least to the extent that they do not inform or actively collaborate with the occupation.”

  “Understood,” said Hatfield.

  Donner continued, “Now, third no-no, and once again, this may change down the road. For the time being, no targeting airlines, airports, or civilian passenger airplanes. There was a big debate on this in the Army Council, and they’ll be reviewing the issue periodically. Even with the few people we have, we could shut down civilian air transport in this country and pretty near wreck the whole shebang, and there is a lot of temptation to use that penultimate weapon, but for the time being, we’re not going to. Three main reasons.”

  Donner ticked them off on his fingers. “First, the feds understand how vulnerable they are and how dependent this empire is on air travel. They are doing their nuts surrounding every major airport in the country with more security than has been seen since the days after 9/11, security that is costing them untold millions of dollars every month, and that’s driving airline passengers around the twist with long lines, intrusive searches, flight delays, attractive white women getting felt up by the Third World guards, having to get to the airport five hours ahead of flight time because of all the bullshit they have to go through, you name it. So far, our psych warfare guys are getting the vibe that they’re blaming the régime and their ham-handed security hirelings, most of whom are non-white. Not us. We blow a few airliners out of the sky and they’ll blame us. We want them mad at the federal government and Third World airport security people, not the NVA. All of the above is already causing the kind of economic shock waves that are cutting profits, losing jobs for white people who still have any, and making them lose hope for the future. The United States of America is in bad shape already. We want it to continue to get worse, but in a bit longer and slower slide than would happen if we shut down all the airports and created a massive implosion that could credibly be blamed on us.